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As part of Agincare, a leading care and support provider, we’re able to draw on experience built up across a range of services over more than 35 years.

Our teams work with families, local authorities and other partners to create homely, supportive environments that assist people to achieve their goals; whether that’s getting a job, going to university, or learning to live as independently as possible at home.

Our highly-trained specialist teams support people to gain skills for lasting independence, grow their communication skills and build social networks in communities. We offer comprehensive services across supported living, community outreach, day centres and respite care.

Our rigorous value-based recruitment process, combined with robust specialist training and workforce development programme, means our teams possess the skills and expertise to support people to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.


support hours for supported
living services


team members operating over
5 local authorities


individuals supported across day centres,
respite and supported living services


services across

We work in line with a range of best practise guidance local authority provision, including:

  • REACH standards
  • NDTi Real Tenancy Test
  • Changing Our Lives: Quality of Life Standards
  • Driving Up Quality Code – driving up quality in learning disability services
  • Learning Disability Inspection Programme
  • Accessible Information Standards and RCSLT’s 5 Good Communication Standards

Our partnerships

We have many years of experience working with a wide range of local authorities, as well as healthcare and housing partners.

We have developed our service provision both via direct work with local authorities and housing partners in response to local need (e.g. in Medway and Wiltshire), as well as being successfully awarded contracts via tender process (e.g. in Essex and Hampshire).

We have introduced our services at new locations from scratch, but have also taken on existing services from other providers, including transferring team members via TUPE. We have many years of experience working with local authorities and housing partners to develop new schemes in direct response to local requirements.

Team training

All Agincare Enable support team members undertake specialist training including managing challenging behaviours, trauma infomed support, positive behaviours support, de-escalation techniques, withdrawal strategies, breakaway techniques, and alternative communication methods.

They are also trained in therapeutic interventions for addressing mental health needs, including active listening, empathy, validation, and crisis intervention, as well as resilience training.

Community hub

Agincare Enable prides itself on the community engagement it delivers at its services across England. Here are some of the achievements from our supported living services:

Created a ‘Voices that Matter’ group, where clients come together to talk about any site issues, concerns, events, and achievements.

Regular liaison meetings with families which have been really positive.

Creation of clubs/groups in line with client interests.

We introduced Living Independently for Everyone (LIFE) sessions to help clients learn everyday skills

We supported client Natalie to overcome her fear of trains through travel training.

Client Dave overcame his fear of stairs this with support and patience from a team member.

We supported two clients to attend a Weight Watchers group and swimming lessons.

Client Matthew now actively participates in cooking sessions marking an important goal.

Extract from Care Quality Commission report
from Wiltshire supported living scheme:

Information for commissioners

We have extensive experience of supporting people, even where complex conditions are involved. Our outcome-based services provide the best-quality support, as well as offering the best-value commissioning options for local authorities and clinical commissioning groups.

We are regulated and rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission. Our experienced, specialist teams have a positive track record of supporting those who draw on our services. Strong relationships with local authorities, commissioning groups and housing providers are fostered by our experienced management and contracts team. We are developing our services and working in partnership across the UK, talk to us about your local commissioning priorities.

Frequently asked questions

We are a family-owned care provider, trusted by families to deliver reliable, high-quality professional care services since 1986. We have a succesful track record of working with people drawing on our services, their families and health and social care professionals to deliver high quality, specialist care, tailored to each individual person.Our expert clinical leads ensure that our dedicated care teams receive the best possible bespoke training to support people, even if there are complex conditions involved.

Agincare Enable has services across England including Kent, Wiltshire, Dorset, Essex and Hampshire; and is able to work with partners across the country to deliver new or existing supported living services

All Agincare Enable services are registered with the Care Quality Commission.

We possess experience of providing care and support for younger people when they leave specialist schooling services. We talk to the school, day centres, parents, and treat each person individually with a bespoke care plan. Our Clinical Lead will direct these care packages alongside with a Qualified Assessor.