Why our live-in care reviews make us proud

May 5, 2021

This has been an incredible year, with restrictions, upheaval and unprecedented change. But the high standard of our live-in care service has remained constant, a fact borne out in our live-in care reviews.

Live-in care review from client

We take the feedback of our clients, their family and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) extremely seriously. We care what people think about our service, and take on board where we can do even better.

Our response to the Covid pandemic

In February we asked all our clients and their family and friends to tell us how they thought we were doing during the global Covid pandemic.

It was reassuring that 93% of the people who responded said they were extremely or very satisfied with Agincare’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, we always welcome ideas and suggestions on how we can support people even better during the current circumstances.

Our annual client satisfaction survey

Each year we write to our 24-hour homecare clients and their family members to ask them for feedback on a variety of aspects of our care.

The results of our latest survey confirmed that the vast majority of people are very happy with our live-in care services.

Infographic for live-in care satisfaction

Treating people as individuals

We put a great deal of emphasis on our belief in treating people as precisely that … people. It’s incredibly important to us that every single member of our team treats our clients and their families with dignity and respect.

So it’s gratifying that this belief shines through in the survey results. Of the 80 people who responded to the questionnaire, 98% agreed that ‘I am treated with politeness and respect by my care workers.’

We also believe whole-heartedly that 24-hour care can be life-changing. It gives people increased independence, in the comfort and safety of their own home.

Of those who took the time to feed back to us, 97% agreed or strongly agreed that: ‘The service I receive from Agincare has helped to improve my quality of life.’

Live-in care reviews online

We’re always delighted to receive live-in care reviews. Family members often use TrustPilot to comment on our service. Common themes in reviews include:

Praise for the positive effect of our care:

Just what we needed. Genuinely caring and understanding straight from the heart. Great team workers. Have made such a positive impact on our lives.

Appreciation for communication with families about the care their loved one is receiving:

We have had 2 ladies looking after my father since he became a widow very suddenly 6 weeks ago. I am contacted if there are any issues. My sister and I are also very involved and the carers appreciate this. I am hoping all continues to go well as it has meant my father has been able to stay in his own home.

Thanks for the services’ flexibility in meeting clients’ and families’ needs:

Agincare’s team have been very professional, caring and flexible organising a live in carer for my 81 year old mother. The team worked in synergy to organise a smooth transition for my mother. The carers provided have been very capable, warm and caring.

The views of the CQC

As the body that regulates and inspects care services, the Care Quality Commission has a crucial role to play in reviewing our care.

The CQC has rated all three of our regional care teams – South, South East and Central – as ‘Good’ across all categories (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led). Inspectors described our teams as respectful, well-trained and knowledgeable about people’s care needs. Read more about how the CQC reviews our live-in care service.

For more information about live-in care, please call us on 08082 566038 or email us.

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