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Complaints and Compliments Policy

Making a complaint or compliment

Our aim is to ensure that our Complaints and Compliments Procedure is properly and effectively implemented so that individuals feel confident that their complaint, communication or worries are listened to and acted upon promptly and fairly.

If you have any concerns or complaints, in the first instance contact your local office who will try to resolve any issues you have.

We will respond to your concerns as quickly and as effectively as possible. Our Compliments and Complaints Policy summarises how we look into complaints.

A time limit of 12 months exists from when the matter being complained about occured, to when a complaint may be made. After this time, a complaint will not normally be considered.

How to make a complaint or compliment

You can provide feedback via the contact form on our website (select the ‘Compliments and Complaints’ option from the ‘Subject’ drop-down list) or in writing.

You can also make a complaint verbally in person or by phone.

In brief, our complaints and compliments system ensures that:

  • (a) People using services, carers, and their representatives have the opportunity to praise the service received or particular team members or groups by registering their feedback through Indeed, Glassdoor, social media, Trustpilot, or for example.
  • (b) People using services, carers, and their representatives are aware of how to complain or compliment services tehy receive, and that the organisation provides easy to use opportunities for them to register their communications both verbally and in writing.
  • (c) Where possible and appropriate, managers should enable complaints to be dealt with proportionally with a client centred approach, wherever possible with an early resolution.
  • (d) Every complaint is acknowledged within 5 working days with details of who is dealing with the complaint included.
  • (e) All complaints are investigated within 28 days of receipt.
  • (f) All complaints are responded to in writing by the organisation within 28 days of receipt (even if not yet resolved). Records are maintained of all input and output information including investigation analysis for review and further improvement.
  • (g) Complaints are dealt with promptly, fairly and sensitively with due regard to the upset and distress they can cause to both team members and people who use our services.
  • (h) Complaints are reviewed by the manager on completion and the complainant may be contacted regarding the outcome and their feedback.
  • (i) Analysis of complaints is reviewed as part of the auditing process for improvement planning. Where complaints are made anonymously, they must still be investigated although no responses (acknowledgement or outcome letters) can be sent.

More information

Anonymous complaints can be received verbally over the telephone, via letter, email, via CQC or the local authority.

Wherever possible, complaints are best dealt with at an early stage between the complainant and the organisation; and all complainants should be offered a face to face meeting initially. This stage is also called the local resolution stage as it encourages people to try to resolve the complaint locally and to put things right.

If either of the parties are not satisfied by a local process, the case be referred:

  • If you have local authority or NHS funding you can complain via your local authority/ NHS.
  • Privately funded people can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (post: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
    PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH, call: 0300 061 0614, find out more:

If you are not comfortable complaining directly or raising a concern with the manager, or have any questions regarding complaints please contact Agincare Head Office on 01305 234 084.

Please note: The contact information for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council is: Adult Social Care Commissioning, BCP Council, Civic Centre, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY Call: 01202123970 or 07484 261897 Email: