Referral benefits
- Agincare employees can earn up to £1,000 by referring friends and family for jobs with Agincare.
- Amounts awarded vary on the type of job and service involved.
- The person you refer may also be eligible for a welcome bonus (applicable only to care worker roles)
How it works
Encourage your friends and family to apply for a career at Agincare.
During their interview they’ll be asked if anyone has referred them, and they must state your name during this stage for the referral to be registered.
Find out more
Every team member at Agincare can Refer A Friend regardless of their role
- Refer a nurse and earn £1000 Refer for an experienced care role* and earn £500
- Refer for someone new to care* or any other role (including Head Office and Training Now) and earn £250 *Care roles are within Care and Nursing Homes, Home Care, Live-in Care, Extra Care and Enable
Terms and conditions
- Payment is made once the friend/contact is successfully appointed and completes relevant probation period (terms may vary for each service)
- Referral fees do not apply to hiring managers and those involved in the hiring decision
- Payment is made to your wages and is subject to tax and National Insurance
- Other terms and conditions may apply