Live-in care: improving your quality of life

August 21, 2020

Every year we ask our live-in care clients how they feel about different aspects of our service. We do this because we genuinely want to hear their opinions and use what they tell us to make our live-in care even better.

And while we could tell you honestly that our 24-hour homecare can have an incredible impact on people’s lives, it’s even more powerful to hear what clients themselves think.

The results of our annual live-in care services satisfaction survey are in and they tell a very positive story of our 24-hour care.

All in all, 80 clients completed the survey, giving us their views on topics ranging from the support of their care workers through to whether our live-in care services help them feel in control of their lives.

Infographic for live-in care satisfaction

Improving your quality of life

”The service I receive from Agincare has helped to improve my quality of life” is a statement we strive constantly to live up to. So we’re extremely proud that 97% of the clients who responded agreed or strongly agreed with it.

Feeling comfortable and safe

We also asked clients whether they feel comfortable and safe with their care worker and whether they are treated with respect.

The statement that scored highest, with a whopping 98% strongly agreeing or agreeing, was: “I am treated with politeness and respect by my care workers.”

Another high-scoring statement was: “I feel comfortable and safe with my care workers” which got a 95% positive rating. This is particularly pleasing during the COVID-19 pandemic during which the safety and physical and emotional well-being of our clients is uppermost in our minds.

Having a care worker coming to live in your house can be a big step for a lot of people, so we’re delighted our team is considered respectful and that our clients feel ‘at home’ with them.

We’re always on hand to help

Ours is a managed live-in care service, which means that we’re with clients at every step of their live-in care journey and we’re always just a phone call away should they need us.

The service from our professional and responsive teams is probably why 96% of people who fed back said they are comfortable requesting changes to the service they receive. And 95% said they know how to raise concerns or make a complaint if they are unhappy with any aspect of the service.

Live-in care: a collaboration

Setting up live-in care services for a client is a collaboration. We discuss a client’s care needs with them and together we agree what level of care would be right for them. It’s important that we, client and care worker, agree and understand what’s expected.

That’s why we’re really pleased that 96% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they know what they can expect from the service provided and are involved in planning care and support.

Dan Steadman, Managing Director of Live-in Care said:

With 97% of people agreeing that our service helps them to feel in control of their daily life, this feedback from clients confirms what we’ve always known: that live-in care can be life-changing. I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to give us their views. I’m so pleased that 97% are satisfied with our service and 93% would recommend us to a friend in a similar position to them.

However, there is always room for improvement, and we’re certainly not complacent about these survey results. For example, with a lower positive score of 80%, giving clients information about a new care worker in good time is one of the areas we can do better in. My 3 regional live-in care teams will be working hard to find ways to improve the way we support clients when a new care worker starts, including those doing holiday cover.

To find out more about how live-in care could help you or a loved one, please call us on 08082 566038.

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